University of Arkansas Academy of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Facilitating a Legacy of Engineering and Science Excellence
The University of Arkansas Academy of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, or UAACSCE, is an accomplished group of Computer Science and Computer Engineering alumni who have attained outstanding success and national or international distinction in their chosen profession or life’s work, and whose accomplishments reflect commendably on or bring honor to the University of Arkansas.
Save the Date!
In-Person event in Fayetteville, AR
April 2025
UAACSCE President // Will Arensman
President-Elect // Brad Jackson
Treasurer // Chap Huskison
Secretary // Brandy Umdenstock
Former President & Liaison Chair // Collin Wilson
Message from the Past President – 2024
Hello to my fellow members of the University of Arkansas Academy of Computer Science and Computer Engineering (UAACSCE)!
My first year serving as President has concluded as UAACSCE moves into our 8th year of existence. Our academy is the newest of all engineering departments at the U of A, making outreach a critical aspect in growing our community. Our membership count could reach over 100 in the next couple of years as our department reorganized with the department of Electrical Engineering, forming the new Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department (EECS). While there is no plan to merge our academies, growth is the primary focus of the board for the next several months.
As a refresher, here are the commitments the Academy has made to the department:
1. Providing personal and professional examples and mentoring to the Department’s students.
2. Providing advisory guidance and counsel to the Department’s Faculty and Staff.
3. Annual recognition of those graduates of the Computer Science and Computer Engineering programs along with distinguished affiliate professionals and practitioners.
4. Encouraging personal, corporate, foundation, and government gifts, grants and endowments of money, equipment, and facilities to the University’s Board of Trustees for the benefit of the Department.
In terms of our goals, the 2023 fiscal year was a resounding success. Over half of our honored members have had an active membership within the last three years, supplying enough funding to provide three student scholarships in the Fall 2024 semester.
I was honored to take part in the “What’s Next” event series, a panel dedicated to alumni advising current underclassmen on navigating the world after graduating college. There will be many more events throughout the Fall and Spring semesters before our next banquet in April of 2025. I look forward to seeing everyone there!