Obituary for Timothy Boyd - UAACSCE Founding Member

Timothy Richardson Boyd, of Georgetown, Texas went to heaven suddenly on May 8, 2024, at the age of 57, in Georgetown, Texas.

Tim was born in Dallas, Texas on November 24, 1966.  He is preceded in death by his grandparents, Doyle and Elleta Boyd (paternal grandparents), Ralph and Helen Richardson (maternal grandparents). Tim loved his family with all of him plus more. He is survived by his beloved wife, Charollotte; his strong son, Michael; his beautiful daughter, Camille; his dear sister, Robyn Johnson; brother-in-law, David Johnson; his niece and nephew, Clayton and Jessica Jonhson; brother-in-law, David Morris (Elvia Morris); niece and nephews, Abi “May”, Tyler and Beau Morris; sister-in-law, Denise Patterson; brother-in-law, Shawn Patterson; nephews, Cody and Cale Opatrny and Luke Patterson; his niece, Lilly Opatrny; mother-in-law, Lan Therrell. And to the ones who created him, his parents, Charles and Donna Boyd. The list could go on and on about the people still surviving in this world that he impacted and inspired their lives. 

He was a graduate of Round Rock High School and a college graduate of the University of Arkansas, with a degree in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. His past work history included Texas Instruments, TouchSystems, Olivetti, Dell Computer, and Starmount Software Solutions. His current position at INFOR was Senior Management Support Operations.

He was a long-time member of First Baptist Church Round Rock, where he made a profession of his faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. He and his wife and children later attended Crestview Baptist Church in Georgetown. 

Tim used his God-given talents to assist others with his computer expertise, financial advice, lending a shoulder, and was a rock for many family and friends. Tim was a man of hobbies, anything detailed and creative. He had a profound love for building models, anything from cars, tanks, and his personal favorite, planes. He loved working in the yard, his routine rarely changed and when it did, he was most likely going to Home Depot, where he would buy tools, wood, flowers, or just about anything to keep him busy and moving outside. 

He radiated unwavering love and devotion throughout his life, especially to his beloved wife, Charollotte. Their bond was a testament to the power of unconditional love, enriching the lives of all who knew him. Charollotte and Tim’s love story was one of a kind, a love with full support and faithfulness. As Charollotte would call him, her soldier. Together they have created a legacy of love and commitment that will forever inspire those fortunate to have witnessed it. Timothy Richardson Boyd will be forever remembered for his kindness, courage, humor, and how caring he was. He was even more caring to others than himself sometimes, but that was just Tim, which is why he was loved by so many. 

Tim enjoyed Boyd family reunions at the family ranch in Valley Mills, Texas, with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins. He was a family man and a joy to be around, it was hard not to smile and laugh near him. His family is eternally grateful that Tim decided to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior when he was a child and continued to lead his life as a Christ follower. We hold tight to our faith that we will all be together again in Heaven and our hope is in the Lord to walk us through these difficult times. Lamentations 3:21-24 assures us “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore, I will hope in Him.”

Tim Boyd will be dearly missed by all who knew him, but his love and warmth will continue to live in the hearts of those he touched and through our faith and trust in Jesus as he believed. Revelation 14:13 says, “Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” 

A visitation will be held at Ramsey Funeral Home on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 6-8 PM. The funeral services will be held at Crestview Baptist Church at 2 PM on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. There will be no graveside services.

In lieu of flowers, donations are encouraged to be sent to the University of Arkansas Alumni Foundation (Attn: Bill Lansden, 4200 Bell Engineering Center, Fayetteville, AR, 72701) or Commemorative Air Force Central Texas Wing at the San Marcos Regional Airport (1841 Airport Dr. Building 2249, San Marcos, Texas 78666)

Donations to the U of A can be made here in memory of Timothy Boyd, UAACSCE founding member. 

Engineering Honors Outstanding Alumni, Inducts Two to Hall of Fame

College of Engineering alumni, faculty, staff and guests gathered Saturday, April 20, to induct two new members into the college’s Hall of Fame and recognize 20 graduates with Distinguished Alumni and Early Career Alumni awards.

The formal event featured dinner and an awards ceremony led by Dean Kim Needy and co-hosts Malik Sadiq and Kelsey Zenko, with remarks by Terry Martin, provost and executive vice chancellor for academics, at the Fayetteville Public Library Event Center. Sadiq is chair of the college’s Dean’s Advisory Council and Zenko is chair of the Early Career Advisory Council.

“We’re always honored to recognize our exceptional alumni, and this outstanding group of hardworking innovators inspires me to keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in engineering education,” Needy said. “These individuals’ achievements reflect positively on our institution, community, state and nation.”

The two new inductees to the Hall of Fame were: Bill Harrison (B.S.I.E. ’66), CEO of Harrison Energy Partners, headquartered in Little Rock, and Chris Weiser (B.S.M.E. ’73), retired CEO of J.V. Manufacturing Inc./Cram-A-Lot in Springdale.

Harrison was recognized as a distinguished alumnus in 2011, while Weiser received that honor in 2013.

Harrison founded Harrison Energy Partners in 1983 after working for 17 years for a firm in Shreveport, Louisiana. The business expanded into Northwest Arkansas in 1988 and into Tulsa and Oklahoma City in 2017. The company now has 202 employees in five locations providing commercial air conditioning services.

Harrison has endowed three scholarships through the Arkansas Academy of Industrial Engineering and serves on the college’s Dean’s Advisory Council. He also is a member of the Towers of Old Main, an honorary group celebrating major donors to the university.

Weiser worked from 1973 to 1985 for Freeport-McMoRan in New Orleans before returning in 1985 to help manage a family business, JV Manufacturing Inc., manufacturing the Cram-A-Lot line of recycling and solid waste disposal equipment. He joined the National Waste Recycling Association, JV’s primary trade association, serving on its Board of Trustees, and he was elected to its Hall of Fame in 2005.

A member of the Arkansas Academy of Mechanical Engineering, he is an emeritus member of the Dean’s Advisory Council. He and his wife, Debby, award multiple renewable engineering scholarships annually.

College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award honorees
Left to right: Distinguished Alumni Award honorees Dwayne R. Edwards, José Vega, Andrew Wheeler, Ed Tinsley, Vance Clement, Will Arensman, Latanya Taylor Robinson, Dewitt Smith III, Matt Bunch and Lt. Col. Robert Newton.

Ten graduates were honored with Distinguished Alumni awards:

  • Will Arensman, B.S.C.S. ’00, M.S.C.S.E. ’02
  • Matt Bunch, B.S.C.S.E. ’02, M.I.S. ’06
  • Vance Clement, B.S.I.E. ’92
  • Dwayne R. Edwards, B.S.Ag.E ’84, M.S.Ag.E. ’86
  • Robert Newton, M.S.O.M. ’10
  • Latanyua Taylor Robinson, B.S.I.E. ’92
  • Dewitt Smith III, B.S.C.E. ’70
  • Ed Tinsley, B.S.M.E. ’83
  • José Vega, M.S.Ch.E. ’85, Ph.D. ’87
  • Andrew Wheeler, B.S.E.E. ’93, M.S.E.E. ’94

Early Career Group of honorees
Left to right: Jeremiah Born, Tyler Bowman, Kathryn L. McCoy, Jake Wofford, Brianna D. Robinson, Jason M. Agron, Courtney Hill, Jason Hardy and Blake A. Baldwin. (Not pictured Katelyn Cherry.)

Another 10 graduates received Early Career Alumni Awards:

  • Jason Agron, Ph.D.,Cmp.E. ’10
  • Blake A. Baldwin, B.S.M.E. ’09, M.B.A. ’15
  • Jeremiah Born, B.S.Ch.E. ’11
  • Tyler Bowman, B.S.E.E. ’12, M.S.E.E. ’14, Ph.D. ’18
  • Katelin Cherry, B.S.Bm.E. ’13
  • Jason Hardy, B.S.C.S. ’08
  • Courtney Hill, B.S.C.E. ’14
  • Kathryn McCoy, B.S.B.E. ’09, M.S.C.E. ’12
  • Brianna D. Robinson, M.S.O.M. ’23
  • Jake Wofford, B.S.I.E. ’10

More information about past honorees is available on pages dedicated to the College of Engineering’s Hall of FameDistinguished Alumni Award and Early Career Alumni Award.

Read the original article here

Jennifer P. Cook, director of communications
College of Engineering

New Member Andrew Wheeler Hosts Talk on Campus

April 19, 2024

UAACSCE inducted a new member this past weekend, and he is already taking strides to get involved with the EECS department on campus! On Friday, April 19, 2024 Andrew Wheeler visited the U of A campus to give a distinguished lecture and host a discussion/meet and greet with students, faculty, and staff about revolutionary computing technologies and career management. Thanks for joining us, Andrew! 

Andrew Wheeler

HPE Fellow & Vice President, Hewlett Packard Labs and HPC & AI Advanced Development, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Charting the future: A conversation with Andrew Wheeler on revolutionary computing technologies and career management

The world has recently witnessed an unprecedented acceleration in the demand for machine learning and AI applications. This surge has imposed tremendous strain on today’s technology performance, power, and energy consumption. Future trends indicate unsustainable spending and a widening technology gap. Join Andrew Wheeler, HPE Fellow, Senior Vice President, and Director of Hewlett Packard Labs as he delves into the revolutionary technologies shaping the next wave of AI and shares valuable insights on navigating your future career with impact.

College of Engineering Alumni Awards

April 20, 2024

This past weekend the University of Arkansas College of Engineering hosted their annual Alumni Awards banquet. The University of Arkansas Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science saw many awards go to our amazing alumni.

COE Early Career Award – Jason M. Agron, PhD CmpE ‘10; Tyler Bowman, BSEE ‘12, MSEE ‘14, PhD ‘18; Jason Hardy, BSCS ‘08

COE Distinguished Alumni Award – Will Arensman, BSCS ‘00, MSCSE ‘02; Matt Bunch, BSCSE ‘02, MIS ‘06; Andrew Wheeler, BSEE ‘93, MSEE ‘94

Help us congratulate our alumni and Academy members who were honored by the college this past weekend!

New Member Banquet 2024

April 20, 2024

This past weekend the University of Arkansas Academy of Computer Science and Computer Engineering inducted two new members. Dr. Pat Parkerson, Associate Professor of EECS and soon to be retiree, served as our guest speaker as the Academy enters its 7th year of existence. The induction banquet was held at Mermaid’s Seafood Restaurant in Fayetteville, Arkansas on April 19th, 2023. The new inductees are:

  • Ben Onukwube – CEO Star Nsurance + Tax – LinkedIn
  • Andrew Wheeler – Vice President and Deputy Director of Hewlett Packard Labs – LinkedIn

Please welcome our two newest members to the board, as Brandy Metzner Umdenstock and Chap Huskison will be filling roles to further grow the academy. Both have been recently inducted with Chap entering UAACSCE in 2021 and Brandy during 2023. Both additions will be a boost in membership, communication, and financials within the academy.  

Our mission objective continues in creating scholarship opportunities for current students, organizing social events and giving back to our department. If you have not already, please contribute to the Academy for the 2023-2024 school year. Our Fiscal Year begins on July 1st, where the academy will begin a search for new inductees for the 2025 banquet next April.

"What's Next?" Panel Features President Collin Wilson

The University of Arkansas Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science hosted the first ever event series called “What’s Next?” to prepare students for entering life after college. This event series consisted of three nights of food and panels: industry night, graduate school night, and entrepreneurship night. UAACSCE President Collin Wilson volunteered his time to speak with students at the entrepreneurship night event, where students and speakers were fed tacos and valuable information. 

Thank you to Collin Wilson for supporting the students of EECS! 

Member Chris Wright Presents at Arkansas Engineering Forum/SSCET

September 15, 2023

The Arkansas Engineering Forum, otherwise known as the Southeast Symposium on Contemporary Engineering Topics, was held September 15, 2023 in Little Rock, AR. UAACSCE Academy member Christopher Wright co-chaired the Cyber security section of the forum. His lecture titled “Scaling (Down) Cybersecurity: The ins and outs of securing small organizations” was an excellent topic of discussion.


Engineering Departments to Combine, Expand Opportunities for Students and Faculty

July 10, 2023

The U of A Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering are joining forces to form a single, integrated department to be named the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

The restructuring will bring numerous benefits for students, particularly in the expansion of educational opportunities, said Jia Di, who has been head of computer science and computer engineering since January 2021, and will be the head of this new department.

“Students currently enrolled in the program will gain access to a broader range of technical electives previously unavailable to them,” Di said.

For instance, electrical engineering students will have the chance to delve into cutting-edge fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning and cybersecurity. This will allow them to apply these skills to control systems and power engineering. Computer science and computer engineering students will be able to apply their theoretical computing knowledge to areas in electrical engineering such as power systems and control systems.

“This cross-disciplinary exposure will enrich their knowledge base and equip graduates with an attractive and diverse skill set,” Di said.

Another important change is the introduction of multidisciplinary capstone projects. Students will collaborate with peers from different disciplines, thereby enhancing their communication, teamwork and adaptability. These skills are highly valued by employers and will significantly benefit students in their future careers, Di said.

The new structure will also facilitate seamless transitions between electrical engineering, computer engineering and computer science programs.

“Students who wish to switch from one program to another will find it much easier, as many credits will be transferable within the department. This flexibility saves time and money but also facilitates the recruitment process for prospective students,” Di said.

The change is supported by Juan Balda, University Professor and head of the electrical engineering department, who led the department for more than 13 years and is retiring in July after 34 years at U of A.

“The re-organization will be beneficial to students in both departments due to the availability of more technical electives and opportunities for undergraduate research. Students will be able to have a broader knowledge of electrical and computer engineering,” he said.

College of Engineering Dean Kim Needy said she’s excited about the possibilities to shape the future of education in technology and engineering.

“The combination of these two successful departments heralds a new era of opportunity for our students and our faculty,” said Kim Needy, dean of the College of Engineering. “These changes will also enhance our ability to secure external funding, attract pre-eminent researchers and scholars, and establish ourselves as the destination of choice for discovery and development of cutting-edge technological advancements.”

Interim Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation Margaret Sova McCabe concurred with Needy and Di’s assessment of the potential to boost research productivity as the result of the restructuring, saying “This evolution will enhance not only the student experience, but also the collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas amongst researchers that catalyze competitive and forward-thinking funding proposals. I believe this supports our continued enhancement of the university’s research excellence.”

Increased cooperation between faculty members from different disciplines is expected to yield a significant boost in research productivity. Bringing together computing and electrical engineering expertise will unlock new research possibilities and facilitate innovative solutions to complex problems. Di believes this will amplify the department’s research output, leading to a surge in academic achievements.

Existing synergies between the two departments, particularly in the areas of cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems and electronics will only become stronger, Di said. Collaborative projects in these domains have yielded fruitful results and will continue to thrive under the combined department. The fusion of computing and electrical engineering perspectives in research will facilitate the development of novel technologies and their practical application across various domains.

Regarding future research initiatives, Di envisions an environment that encourages faculty members to interact and exchange ideas freely. He is confident that the department will actively foster an atmosphere conducive to innovative research.

“Through facilitated discussions and collaborations, new research areas and projects are bound to emerge,” Di said.

Ultimately, Di’s vision for the combined department revolves around empowering students with a well-rounded education and preparing them for the dynamic demands of the industry.

“I aspire to see every graduate, regardless of their major, possess a broad knowledge base encompassing both electrical engineering and computing. This interdisciplinary approach will equip students with valuable skills that bridge the gap between different fields, allowing them to apply their expertise across diverse domains,” he said.

Moreover, Di stresses the importance of soft skills, such as effective communication and teamwork, which students will cultivate through multidisciplinary collaboration.

The newly combined department will begin operations on Aug. 15.

New Member Induction Banquet 2023

This past weekend the University of Arkansas Academy of Computer Science and Computer Engineering inducted 8 new members. The induction banquet was held at Mermaid’s Seafood Restaurant in Fayetteville, Arkansas on April 14th, 2023. The new inductees are:

  • Brandy Umdenstock – Chief of Staff Developer Platforms – Walmart – Link
  • Barret Miller – Sr. Manager Emerging Technology – Tyson – Link
  • Justin Bertram – Principal Software Engineer – Red Hat – Link
  • John Simmons – Head of Product – InOrbit – Link
  • Kanat Bektemirov – CTO – SupplyPike – Link
  • Blake Puryear – Director of Product – Recharge – Link
  • Bert Sanders – Staff Software Engineer – Walmart – Link
  • Chris McCroskey – Founder – IdeaLoop – Link

The academy is making strides toward diversifying their members. This year, they inducted the youngest member of UAACSCE yet, Blake Puryear. The new members show great promise for the future of the Academy. New inductees Kanat Bekemirov, Brandy Metzner Umdenstock, and Justin Bertram attended the business meeting the next morning, providing excellent input to the board. The academy looks forward to improving over the next year with the great additions they have made to membership.


College of Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award 2023
We are celebrating our 2023 College of Engineering Alumni Awards honorees. This week, we proudly introduce our Distinguished Alumni Award winners!
The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes exceptional professional and personal achievements of graduates who have achieved distinction in their fields and provided outstanding leadership and service to the college and their communities.
Mike Linstrom, who earned a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, has had a dynamic career spanning software/product development and technology, operational and executive leadership. He started as a software engineer with General Dynamics in Fort Worth and after progressive roles, joined Nokia in 1996. He built the engineering team, delivered the first U.S. dual-band GSM phone and ran the Americas’ Product Creation Center. Leaving Nokia in 2007, he spent time with startups before taking an executive position in financial services in 2011. Mike joined the TrueSpot board of advisors in 2016. He was inducted into the Arkansas Academy of Computer Science and Computer Engineering in 2019 and serves on the department’s Industry Advisory Board. He left First Command in 2020 as its chief information officer/chief technology officer and is currently a vice president with CGI consulting.
Congratulations, Mike!
Steven Austin Sr., who earned bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, supports the Raytheon Technologies Embedded Secure Systems Engineering technical staff. Prior to his current role, he was the information assurance and cyber lead on GPS OCX, which the U.S. Department of Defense has recognized as having “the highest level of cybersecurity protections of any DoD space system.” GPS OCX is valued at over $3 billion dollars. Under Steven’s tenure, the Air Force used the cyber secure GPS OCX launch and checkout system, often referred to as Block 0, to launch the first modern GPS III satellite.
As a member of the Computer Science and Computer Engineering Advisory Board, Steven provides industry expertise to help students and programs. He was inducted into the U of A Academy of Computer Science and Computer Engineering in 2021.
Congratulations, Steven!
Student Resume Reviews

In March of 2022, Academy member Mike Linstrom volunteered his time and expertise to review resumes submitted by current Computer Science and Computer Engineering juniors and seniors. After completing the review of each of the 19 resumes, Mike returned them to the department for redistribution to the students. The resume reviews were well received by students who appreciated the time and effort put in to bettering their professional profiles. According to Mike, “A key for them to remember is that the resume is about their experience and what they can do for a company, where LinkedIn is more about them. They should tailor their resume for each job so it answers the job description. It should be concise as it is about communicating value.”

After completing the resume reviews, the students who submitted were offered a mock interview to strengthen their skills. 

Overall, both students and Academy members were delighted by the resume reviews. It has been noted that more opportunities like this will arise for academy members to get involved in student affairs. 

Mock Interviews

After going through the resume review process, students who submitted resumes were invited to participate in a mock interview with Academy members. In total, 7 students signed up for an interview. The process was completed over zoom on various days of the week based on a sign-up sheet. Academy members Josh Smith and Will Arensman volunteered to interview the students. Though bad weather in Fayetteville caused some technical difficulties, the interviews went well and the students learned a lot about interviewing in industry.