2022 Student Scholarship Recipients
Waeland Elder
Major: Computer Science (4.0)
Hometown: Bentonville, Arkansas
Scholarship: UAACSCE Scholarship
“I am Waeland Elder, a third-year computer science major here at the University of Arkansas. As I’m sure that you know, attending a University in the modern day can be a very expensive thing to do, although very beneficial. By awarding me this scholarship, you are allowing me to take the focus largely off of financials and to put all my efforts into schooling, and I am so very grateful for that.”
-Elder, 2022
Sanjog Gururaj
Major: Computer Science (4.0)
Hometown: Bangalore, India
Scholarship: UAACSCE Scholarship
“Thank you for awarding me with the UAACSCE Scholarship. I greatly appreciate the financial assistance, and this award will help me for my future endeavors.”
– Gururaj, 2022
Allena Pennington
Major: Computer Science (4.0)
Scholarship: Tracy Black UAACSCE Scholarship
2021 Student Scholarship Recipients
Benjamin Allen
4.0 GPA
Senior working on CSCEBS
Alexis Carter
4.0 GPA
Junior working on CSCEBS
Austin Chitmon
4.0 GPA
Senior working on CENGBS